The Great Rivers Greenway District is developing a network of greenways, parks and trails, known as the River Ring which encircles the entire St. Louis region. As part of the greenway development effort, Great Rivers Greenway commissioned the team led by Intuition & Logic and including Loomis Associates and FPA Group, to develop an alignment study for the Western Greenway. This parcel of the river ring provides the north-south connection between the Meramec River Greenway and the Missouri River Greenway. The Western Greenway is unique to the River Ring in that it traverses extremely rugged terrain not found anywhere else in St. Louis County.



Building on the Western Greenway Masterplan (also prepared by Intuition & Logic), the team performed alignment alternatives analysis for the corridor connecting the Missouri Greenway to the Meramec Greenway by linking the Monarch Chesterfield Levee trail to the Hamilton-Carr Trail.


We also performed a community involvement campaign using the corridor identified in the masterplan.  We found the public to be overwhelmingly supportive of the proposed trail and pedestrian connectivity improvements.  Of the 570 survey respondents 92% fully support the project.  Another interesting finding from the survey was that the majority of respondents use the trails on a weekly basis. 




With a clear public mandate, GRG and the City of Wildwood now had the foundation and support to start final design efforts for the first segment of the Western Greenway from Babler State Park to Wildhorse Creek Road